OPS Summer Challenge 2019Less is More…This will run in conjunction with the OPS Forum Theme Challenges over the summer months. New threads will be created for each month for you to post your images.
For those who want to join in with the Forum Theme Challenges here are the themes for the next 4 months:
May: Architecture and/or Landscape
June: Abstract
July: People
August: Fauna/Flora
Summer Challenge.You are required to produce one PDI image from each of the above themes. The 5th image will be a panel of these images. These 5 PDIs will be shown on our return on Tuesday 17th September after the OPS v Rotorua competition is shown. Usual PDI rules apply. Bring them in on the 17th or send to Richard but head your email with ‘SUMMER CHALLENGE’.
The Catch.These images for the Summer Challenge must be in the
MINIMALIST style. They can be taken over the summer break and not just when that theme is running.
The only hint I will offer is read the following links:
https://photodoto.com/when-less-really-more-minimalism-photography-70-examples/https://photography.tutsplus.com/articles/a-10-step-guide-to-superb-minimalist-photography--photo-4487Some examples I have taken over the past week: