Slide prep

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Slide prep

Alan Graham
Is there anyone willing to give me a practical 'Blue Peter' style demo on the preparation of slides for display?

I have figured out I could do something with the left over stained glass and lead cam I have from making windows but I think they wouldn't fit the projector...

As this year's slide competition is likely to be the last it may be a good way to sell off any spare materials you may have.

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Re: Slide prep

Chris Sawyer

I've got some spare GePe glass mounts that I will bring along next Tuesday for you (gratis).  The actual mounting procedure is incredibly fiddly and requires operating theatre style air conditioning and cleanliness to avoid the dreaded dust spots, hairs, etc.  I'll talk you through what I do and then you can give it a go yourself.  Yours, John Noakes
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Re: Slide prep

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
I have some spare GePe slide months as well if anyone needs some. Just let me know and I'll bring some along. As Chris says, it's a pain in the ar5e too keep clean and free of dust. One of those rocket blower  things is good. Its just a matter of keeping the dust out. That's the total summation of my experience with slides, after all, I've only ever taken one roll of slide film in my life.  More to be developed.  I just hope I get it done in time for the competition.
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Re: Slide prep

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Thank you chaps.

I have extracted my slides from the deepest part of the loft...
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