Slides to printed photos query

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Slides to printed photos query

Greg Bridges
Okay gang. Something to ruminate on a stormy weekend. My parents have a case of old slides from back in the 70s. These are the things that you used to have to put into an overhead projector. Basically film with a cardboard surround. They’ve asked if these can be converted into traditional photos. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks in advance and stay dry, Greg.
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Re: Slides to printed photos query

Chris Sawyer
Hi Greg,

I have digitised some slides myself.

It's a bit laborious, but I have an Epson scanner that does the job.  You put the slides in a frame and some software does the rest.

I also have a small portable scanner which I will be auctioning at the Christmas Quiz on 17th December.   Offers above £1 are welcome.

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Re: Slides to printed photos query

Chris Sawyer
Greg, I have been experimenting with another method.

I used a light pad and a camera on a small tripod.  I used a macro lens, but any decent lens should fo.

Here's the set up:

The light pad is very bright and the slide shows up very clearly.  I think they cost about £30.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Slides to printed photos query

Greg Bridges
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Thanks Chris. That’s a big help. See you tomorrow.