Soldiers and Suffragettes...

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Soldiers and Suffragettes...

Alan Graham
...the photography of Christina Broom.

Christina Broom is regarded as the UK’s first female press photographer. With creativity and a bold pioneering spirit she took her camera to the streets and captured thousands of images of people and events in London, revealing unique observations of the city at the start of the 20th century.

This free exhibition is on at the Museum of London Docklands from Friday 19 June to Sunday 1 November 2015.

More details here:

I hope to be making the trip and maybe see some of the local area at the same time. Anyone up for joining me?
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Re: Soldiers and Suffragettes...

Alan Graham
Just a reminder this exhibition finishes next week.

It is worth seeing if you're in the area. Hundreds of fascinating historical images covering a time of great change.
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