Somerset House to host 1st photgraphy fair in London for 10 Years

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Somerset House to host 1st photgraphy fair in London for 10 Years

As from 21st May this fair will feature vintage, modern and contemporary work from around 70 international galleries along with screenings, panel discussions and presentations plus portfolios.

Starts 21/5 until 24/5 with details at photo at Somerset House
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Re: Somerset House to host 1st photgraphy fair in London for 10 Years

Chris Sawyer
Barrie, Thanks for the posting about the 1st photography show at Somerset House.

I saw the following summary on the '' website:

Entry to Photo London includes admission to four major exhibitions at Somerset House, commissioned with the generous support of LUMA Foundation:
– Beneath the Surface, 200 rarely-shown photographic works from the archive of the Victoria & Albert Museum
– Large-format platinum prints from Sebastião Salgado’s Genesis series
– The first UK exhibition of Iranian photographer Kāveh Golestān’s Prostitute series
– The Teaser by Rut Blees Luxemburg, a public lightbox installation to be shown in the Courtyard"

A couple of these events look interesting, but which ones I am not going to tell you!

The ticket price is £20 (£17 for concessions).