Please get snapping or dig out from your archives any PDIs of a sport or game you have. The list is endless: Football, Rugby, Tennis, Squash, Motor Racing, Horse Racing, Chess, Cycling, Swimming, Backgammon, Hop Scotch, etc
These one off PDI challenges, as with last year, are being judged. This challenge is being looked at by Carol White-Griffiths LRPS. Only one image will win and a certificate will be awarded.
We invite you to submit up to 4 images that have some connection with a sport or game. The style will be up to you, let your imagination and skill have a free hand.
Your images should be submitted using the usual rules as per all PDI competitions. We may get too few or too many entries so if we need to drop one from each member it will be the one shown as No4. Just be aware of this.
Remember it only takes one image to win so try and at least submit something.
Entries are to be in by Tuesday 18th October 2016.
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