Sports Photography by David Barnes

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Sports Photography by David Barnes

Chris Sawyer
You can find David Barnes' talk on Sport Photography on YouTube.  Just follow the links below.  

Part 1:

Part 2:
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Re: Sports Photography by David Barnes

Alan Graham
Thanks for sharing this Chris. I did watch both and enjoyed seeing the images.

As I tried to show at tonight's meeting David showed me the ropes back in 2014 how to capture the rugby shots. he used to 'run' up and down the line trying to keep up with the action!

Maybe that's why he only showed the two tries. I on the other I hand took my chances as to which end the action would be. I went about 3 times and managed these tries that are just about good enough to show.

Of course you can't always be at the right end of the touchline.
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Re: Sports Photography by David Barnes

Chris Sawyer
Good to see you captured a flying try.  Still not as good as football as you can only see the ball in one photo.
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Re: Sports Photography by David Barnes

David Barnes
I have never understood soccer. I went to a match in Cardiff many years ago. Best bit was watching Jack Charlton tackle which seem to involve a high degree of violence.
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Re: Sports Photography by David Barnes

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Chris, re seeing the ball, sometimes it's even hard to spot the player who scored the try!

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