Steve Bacon

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Steve Bacon

Alan Graham
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It is with great sadness I announce the sudden passing of Steve Bacon late on Tuesday 12th February. Our thoughts and love goes to his wife Christine, Megan his daughter and George his son. He will be sorely missed by his family and all those who knew him.

I first met Steve at Lullingstone Castle. He loved working there and the castle loved him. Over the years I took many images of him at work and play. Here are just a few and how I will always remember him.

The first picture I took of Steve.

The last picture of Steve I took.

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Re: Steve Bacon

Alan Graham
The committee has sent Steve's family a sympathy card on behalf of the society. We will announce any future funeral arrangements here and during meetings when they become known.

George: Please be assured you have our full support at this time. Please don't hesitate to talk with any of us if you feel the need.
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Re: Steve Bacon

Chris Sawyer
Thanks to Alan for posting the photographs of Steve at Lullingstone.

It really is a great loss.  In the year or so since he joined the club he entered every competition possible which was typical of his can-do attitude to things.  I don't think anyone will forget the magic show he did for our 70th anniversary dinner last year - burning wallets and hynoptic whirling wheels that shrunk his head.  Every time I spoke to him a new talent seemed to be revealed - wood turning to produce pens for the castle shop and playing badminton were the latest additions.

I for one will miss our chats and his enthusiasm for everything he did.