Apologies for the late announcement on the forum but please find below the details for the Summer Challenge.
I explained the very simple concept at two meetings so hopefully nothing else will need to be explained. The main point of the exercise is for you to put your own interpretation on the theme.
I hope to run a day out with members during the summer to help get some shots. Keep a watch under the Outings section of the forum.

01 Green by Alan Graham

02 Red by Malcolm Ming
This year’s Summer Challenge is not that hard.
You will need to produce 5 PDI images, each will have one colour dominating the image and each colour will be different. The colour should be more than 50% of the image. They are not to be colour images just converted to monochrome.
You will also need a sixth PDI image, a panel of the other five.
Try to be inventive and even artistic with your images and panel.
The PDIs, including the panel, must conform to the standard competition sizing and colour space. If you have any problems with this please seek help or check the forum under competition rules. Naming convention will be ‘Number Colour by Jo Bloggs’ and ‘Panel by Jo Bloggs’. (Colour = the colour you use.)
Example for above images:
01 Green by Alan Graham
02 Red by Malcolm Ming
Number your images in the order you wish them to be shown. You should have 01 to 05 for the images. Your panel should be numbered 06.
You should send your 6 PDIs to orpingtonps@gmail.com on an email titled ‘Summer Challenge 2016’ by Tuesday 27th September2016.
The Summer Challenge will be held on 4th October 2016. This will be marked by a visiting judge and a certificate will be awarded to the winner.
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