It's time you got an idea about the Summer Challenge 2017.
This summer you will need to take 5 images of a place that is special to you. It can be a town, National Trust property or just a street. Your images are not to be a record shot of the place but show things that make it special to you. You will also need to show them as a panel.
Number your images in the order you wish them to be shown as PDIs. You should have 01 to 05 for the images. Your panel should be numbered 06. See below for an example.
You should send your 6 PDIs to on an email titled ‘Summer Challenge 2017’
by Tuesday 12th September 2017.
The challenge will be held on our first day back on the 19th September and entries WILL NOT be accepted on the night!Anyone who does not join in may be asked to sit on the judging panel.
Here is a quick example to show the type of image. Individually they could be anywhere but collectively they represent what I think and know about Lullingstone Castle and The World Gardens. It would be nice if you could explain your choice during the presentation.
If anyone does not know how to put a panel together please let me know and I will try and arrange a workshop before the end of summer.

01 Lullingstone by Alan Graham

02 Lullingstone by Alan Graham

03 Lullingstone by Alan Graham

04 Lullingstone by Alan Graham

05 Lullingstone by Alan Graham

06 Lullingstone by Alan Graham
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