Summer Challenge 2018

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Summer Challenge 2018

OPS Notices
This year's Summer Challenge title/theme is "EMOTIONS"

Ugly is not an emotion but annoyance and submission are...

There are many ways to capture emotions but most will involve other people. Well it is a challenge after all.

You will need to produce 5 PDIs each one showing a different emotion. A 6th image will be a panel of all 5 together, as per last year's challenge. Usual PDI rules and conventions apply.

They can be selfies, family, the general public or even animals. The range of emotions should fit into the following categories as defined by the Wheel of Emotions by Robert Plutchik:

Good luck, be creative and have your results ready for the first meeting back on Tuesday 18th September 2018.

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Re: Summer Challenge 2018

Ian Stedman
I popped up to Southbank on the bank holiday hoping for some shots. Didn't get anything useable and I learnt an important lesson, always have the camera ready and to hand. Saw a really interesting character with an expressive face. Unfortunately I had a beer in one hand and a snack in the other!

The new Tate Modern provides some interesting artworks and views of London.

Still have 4 months to get some pictures...
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Re: Summer Challenge 2018

Chris Sawyer
Hi Ian,

Good to hear you are out and about with your camera.  The emotions challenge is causing me difficulty as well - capturing the decisive moment is the key.  Hopefully, some opportunities will present themselves in the summer (e.g. watching England play in the World Cup).
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Re: Summer Challenge 2018

Chris Sawyer
Hi Steve & George,

You asked about the summer challenge.  The details are in this section of the Forum.


PS - I am struggling for ideas as well!
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Re: Summer Challenge 2018

David Barnes
I think it is possible to generate all the emotions in the wheel at a single street demonstration (if you are brave enough).