Details of talk....
Join Beckenham Photographic Society on 3rd April for a fascinating evening of images by award-winning film-maker and photographer Maythem Ridha. Maythem has lived, travelled and worked in countries as diverse as Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, the Gulf States and Morocco.
In this talk, he describes how he has shot in different parts of the Middle East and North Africa inspired by the wonderfully textured locations, interesting characters and stunning light. Presenting his photographs, he will be discussing the methods he uses to shoot travel, street and environmental portraits in, at times, hostile environments. This visually informative and entertaining talk coincides with the launch of his new photobook BEYOND MOMENTS: MOROCCO.
He will also present a preview of his latest photobook and film project ’TEAR MAKER’, in which, following a group of Iraqi migrants during the Muharram Festival as they return to Iraq and re-enact an ancient battle, Maythem visually explores the power of storytelling and how a tale can resonate through the ages and dramatically affect the lives of ordinary people.
Beckenham Photographic Society meets at St John’s Church Hall, Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham BR3 3JN at 7.45pm with the presentation beginning at 8pm. Non-members £5 at the door.