Talk at Carshalton Camera Club 20th November 2017

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Talk at Carshalton Camera Club 20th November 2017

Chris Sawyer
Carshalton Camera Club - Monday 20th November 2017

is pleased to announce a very welcome return visit of CHRIS PALMER FRPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, who will be giving his new talk BEYOND THE SUMMIT

Chris says on his website: 'A Fellowship of the RPS represents, for many, a photographers Everest, something to aspire to, and I am thrilled to have achieved it!  The question then arises as to what I will do now?  In this lecture I discuss the new challenges I have set myself, the decisions I have made and the photographic directions I am taking in my current work'.

Visitors will be welcome to this presentation at

Carshalton Camera Club
Lower Park Hall, Carshalton Methodist Church
Ruskin Road
Carshalton, SM5 3DE

7.45pm for 8.00pm
Admission £5.00

Kind regards

Gerald Kitiyakara LRPS
President, Carshalton Camera Club