Ted Secular

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Ted Secular

Chris Sawyer
David Grimwade writes:

"I have received the attached note from Neville Secular advising the death of his father, Ted, a former OPS member. Not many of the present membership will remember him but he and Jean used to come to our coffee mornings when we had them a few years ago. His age is not quoted but I remember going to his 90th birthday party several years ago."


46 Derwent Drive
Petts Wood

It is with deep sorrow that I am writing to tell you of the passing of Ted, which
occurred on 22nd June after a short illness.

Family and friends are invited to a funeral service and celebration of Ted’s life on
22nd July at 11:30 at Hither Green Crematorium, Verdant Lane, London, SE6 1TP
followed by a wake at Crofton Baptist Church, 100 Crofton Lane, Orpington, BR5
1HD from 13:15

If you are not able to attend the funeral in person, we have arranged for it to be
streamed, the details of which are here:

Website: https://www2.obitus.com/
Use this username: pizu4884
Use this Password: 637270

You can login to the website at any time to view a test connection (and we strongly
recommend you do this) but you’ll only be able to view the Live Webcast approx. 5
mins before the service start time.

The family kindly asks for no flowers please.

If you wish to make a donation in Ted’s
name, we suggest Age UK, this can be made via the link below:

For catering purposes, please let us know whether you are able come and whether
you have any dietary requirements.

Kindest regards.
Jean and family
01689 825 465