The Photographer's Gallery

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The Photographer's Gallery

David Barnes
I can recommend visiting the current exhibitions which range from "intellectually challenging" (at least, for me) through to "that was what it was like when I was growing up". You can find details  at http://

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Re: The Photographer's Gallery

Was up there today and enjoyed the Bert Hardy exhibition, an accomplished photo-journalist covering many different areas of life and conflict. The other exhibition of combined images of photographs and drawings of Indian life was less enjoyable.
And you go all the way up there and bump into Richard on the stairs - what are the chances!

I also bumped into an ex-Greenwood CC member who was on his way up to see the World Press Photo Exhibition at Borough Yards, Dirty Lane, London, SE1 9AD between Friday 3rd May and Monday 27th May 2024. Adult £15 / £10 Concessions