The Photographers' Gallery

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The Photographers' Gallery

Alan Graham
Current exhibitions include;

'Human Rights, Human Wrongs' features more than 200 original press prints, drawn from the prestigious Black Star collection of twentieth century photoreportage.


'We Could Be Heroes' which includes work by a group of master photographers who photographed the development of youth culture and the bittersweet rights of passage towards adulthood over the last century.

I intend to visit these exhibitions either on Thursday 26th or Friday 27th February and include a walk through Leicester Square and Soho on route from Charing Cross.

The Photographers' Gallery is at 16-18 Ramilies St, just south of Oxford St.

If anyone would like to join me please add your name below with the preferred day.
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Re: The Photographers' Gallery

Alan Graham
Just to confirm the dates are 26th & 27th Feb.
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Re: The Photographers' Gallery

Chris Nash

I am interested in going on Thursday 26th Feb, preferably in the afternoon.
