The SLF needs new committee members - AGM 19th May 2022

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The SLF needs new committee members - AGM 19th May 2022

Chris Sawyer
Dear OPS Member,

We have received this notice from the SLF:

"The SLF Committee is in very serious need of new members if the organisation is to continue to function as it has in the past.

It is essential that people come forward to take on or assist with roles set out in the Agenda.

Could all Clubs please give this their most serious attention."

If any member is interested in joining the SLF Committee could they please let me know.

The AGM agenda follows:

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Re: The SLF needs new committee members - AGM 19th May 2022

Chris Sawyer
The SLF have provided further details of the vacancies on their committee:


Please let me know if any of you are interested in joining the SLF committee.

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Re: The SLF needs new committee members - AGM 19th May 2022

Chris Sawyer
The SLF AGM for 2023 was held last week.  The SLF Committee were able to complete the programme for 2022/23, but now need new committee members to carry out the programme for 2023/24.  

The following document provides details of what the SLF does and the roles of the committee members.  


Please let me know if you have any interest in filling any of these SLF roles (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary or general committee member).