The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

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The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Ian Stedman
This post was updated on .

I discussed this at the first meeting of the season, the unexpected and unknown (author) editing challenge. Based on a talk by Pat Couder and Ian Brash, I'd like you to submit some images to be edited by unknown, other authors.

Let me explain how it will work.

1) Select upto three images to share. Convert them from RAW and save them in compressed 8 bit TIFF format.
1a) Edit your photo, as you would normally, we want to see your input.
2a) Email the images to:, maximum attachment size is 25 Mbytes. Send multiple emails if needed. You can use Wetransfer and email a download link to the aforementioned email address.
2b) Optionally, bring the files on a memory stick on the 12th November, 26th November.
3) Submission deadline for entries is 26th November
4) From the 3rd December, I will provide you some images to edit, you won't know the author.
5) By the 18th February, email, in JPEG format, your work to: Please also send your edited image of your own work.
5) At the members evening on the 4th March, I will reveal all.

The idea is that you won't know who is editing whose work, though you may be able to guess some styles of photography. It is meant to be fun. I will be the only person who knows who the authors are.

If you have any queries, please ask at any meeting.


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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Ian Stedman

I'm working through the selections now with a total of 25 images to be worked on.

Currently taking part:
Adrian Stellar,
Barrie Duffield,
Chris Sawyer,
David Bacon,
George Knowles-Bacon,
Keith Woonton,
Mike Dennett
Ron Jarvis.

Is anyone else interested in take 4 or 5 images, supplied by someone else and editing them?
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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

David Barnes
Yes please. I sent in my images to be worked on.
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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi Ian,

As you are offering........

Download link below for WETransfer

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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Sorry but I've been unwell. I'm willing to take part & if you like can submit some images for others to process, in JPEG format.
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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Ian Stedman

Hope you feel better soon. I've added you into the participants, I have 32 images to choose from, enough for this task.

To everyone else, I'm selecting images, will post out email links to a Google personalised google drive over the weekend. Taking part:
Chris Nash
Chris Sawyer
David Barnes,
David Bacon,
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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Ian Stedman

Those of you taking part, should have received an email with a link to your selected images. Work on as many images as you wish, you have 5 selected images and the 'ghostly' image from Greg.

Could I have your submissions by 11th March IN JPEG format. You should be able to write to the shared Google driver folder I sent you.

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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Ian Stedman
Barrie wanted this image shared to inspire you all.

The original.

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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Chris Sawyer
I didn't know that selfies were allowed.
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Re: The unexpected & unknown editing challenge

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hopefully I've fixed access permissions for non-google accounts now. If you still have issues, contact me or alternatively, bring a memory stick on Tuesday and I'll copy the files.