Travel Photography Tours - Cuba

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Travel Photography Tours - Cuba

Chris Sawyer
Details of photo tours to Cuba....

Name - John Harden


Phone Number (optional)
+53 7 8324077

Subject: PhotoZoomCuba

Dear Photographic Society representative,

Hello, my name is John Harden, professional photographer and managing director of PhotoZoomCuba. My team and I offer photography enthusiasts of all skill levels exceptional possibilities to develop their creative potentials and aspirations, from Workshops in Havana to exclusive Tours around Cuba, undoubtedly one of the most fascinating (and safe) places on Planet Earth.

We invite you to take a look at our website and would be most grateful if you passed on our link to your Society members.

Thank you and our very best wishes from PhotoZoomCuba.

John Harden, managing director.
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Re: Travel Photography Tours - Cuba

Chris Sawyer
Details of tours to Cuba...

Hello Orpington Photographic Society,

September has flown, autumn is round-the-bend (in more ways than one!) and winter’s waiting in the wings, checking through her bag-of-tricks. You know what that will mean. So now is the time to plan a break, a brief escape to the Caribbean. Here at PhotoZoomCuba, Havana, we are ready to embrace and inspire you photo enthusiasts and give you a memorable and creative stay on our Island-in-the-Sun.

Take a fresh look at our website where you’ll find our full calendar of Workshop and/or Tours from November through to June 2023.  You will notice that not only are there no price changes, we offer very interesting discounts for party bookings so that enthusiasts can group together possibly with members of other clubs in their area and enjoy considerable saving, especially if opting for shared accommodation. You’ll also see we have two new Team members; prize-winning naturalist photographer and instructor Joel, and photographer, video editor and graphic designer Mirna.

We should be most grateful if you passed this on to your Club members.

Have a great 2022-2023 season.

Many thanks and best wishes from the Pearl of the West Indies,

John Harden, PhotoZoomCuba.

 PS: Fear of hurricanes? Don’t worry. Hurricane season runs from June to November, our programs run from November through to mid-June.