Trip to Margate

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Trip to Margate

Ian Stedman

Another popular option for an outing was a trip to Margate. I did not set a date as I wanted to gauge interest first, well nine of you voted for it.

From my last trip in 2018:

This shows some sights of Margate old town, there was a carnival/fair shop, Cliftonville Lido remains and Walpole bay, which has the largest tidal pool in the country. There also a number of rockpools in Cliftonville and nearby Botany bay.

The big question, when do we visit?

I'm away 20th-29th June and 31st July to 4th August.

Perhaps a weekday middle of July or mid to late September (we'll fix a date for Orford ness first)?
I'm avoiding August at it gets very busy in peak summer.

Opinions and ideas welcome.
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Re: Trip to Margate

maybe before schools break up? Charles Darwin finishes on 21st July
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Re: Trip to Margate

Ian Stedman

Trying to agree a date for this.
What availability does everyone have for week commencing 17th July?
The schools break up from around the 20th July.

If it is forecast too be hot (above about 28C), I suggest we postpone to another date.

Dreamland theme park is not open on these dates (weekends only) but the other attractions are open.
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Re: Trip to Margate

i'am free either 19th or 21st as in Orford 17th
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Re: Trip to Margate

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I can do any day that week other than the Wednesday 19th.
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Re: Trip to Margate

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi Ian,
I am interested in a trip to Margate.
I could make any day except Thursday 20th July.
Chris N
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Re: Trip to Margate

Chris Sawyer
Hi Ian, I can make any day that week except Monday 17th.  So 18th to 21st are all free.
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Re: Trip to Margate

just quick reminder about Margate Outing - I will be away until Monday 17th and available 18th onwards subject notice and grandson duties
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Re: Trip to Margate

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I can do 18th to 21st July
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Re: Trip to Margate

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

Have been checking travel etc, looks like Wednesday 19th July is the best date.
Perhaps meet in Palm Bay/Walpole bay around 10:00-10:30am?

There's roadworks closing A229/Bluebell hill on 17th/18th which will cause delays in the Medway towns and M2 (and my journey to work).

I've suggested two locations for this, Margate itself and round the headland to Walpole and Botany bay.

Low tide is 8:00and 20:00 and high tides 14:30/03:00. So if we want to try photos around the rockpools and the bathing pool of Walpole bay, perhaps we start here, have lunch at the Jet Ski world cafe and then go to Margate at high tide. Walpole bay, entrance road to park on the front (free) is
What3words  ///blame.hills.trails
The cafe details,

Then into Margate. Car parking is a bit pricier. College square, Margate, is £1/hour. It is at CT91PR or what 3 words, ///middle.half.quit

My final idea, completely optional. Fish and chips by the sea?
Recently, Ossies in Tankerton, was voted one of the best in Kent (and it's on the way home).
Another one, I've used more often is Fish Inn 2 in Herne bay.

Open to ideas and we can set the pace/timings to suit us.