Here is the plan for next Tuesday.
1) Bring in your images for the third print competition and any prints for the SLF competitions.
2) Bring your camera.
3) Talk to other users of your camera make, ask for advice on settings, lens, useful tricks etc.
4) I'd like to talk about some ideas for club outings for this year, I'll have a handout with some dates and places. I think after tonight's talk, a possible overnight excursion to Essex is worth considering, to discuss.
5) With your new found knowledge, you'll want to take some photos.
Could someone bring in say a bowl of fruit for still life composition?
Do we have any portable lights for table top use?
I'll bring in a portable LED light or two, maybe some mini figures/lego and a few A4 photos, the idea is to create a false perspective photo. If I can find some model cars, maybe something with a backdrop.
This an informal and educational evening.
6) Have a cuppa and a natter.
7) On the 8th March, bring any photos you created on a memory stick and show us your creations.