Twix and tween visit to London

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Twix and tween visit to London

Ian Stedman

Network rail/southeastern have released the engineering works over the Christmas and New Year break, except for Geroge, there are no issues.
Christmas engineering

I'm proposing, like last year, meet in the City of London and go from there, so take the train to Canon Street and proceed forthwith! Open to suggestions on where to visit.

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

Ian Stedman

With Battersea out of the way, time to plan the next outing. Based on the votes, Friday 30th December  is the most popular date. A suggestion from the last outing was that we meet at Charing Cross station and explore the Strand/Covent Garden/Somerset house area.

An additional suggestion was that we meet earlier, around 10:30am and go out for lunch, what are your thoughts on this?
Looking at the map, who likes Chinese food, we're not too far from Chinatown?

Would finish by around 3PM when it gets dark and cold.

As always, open to suggestions of areas to explore.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

I would like to join you. We will have to check the trains. Even if they are not on strike, they will be a reduced seasonal service.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

Looking forward but sure heard on tonight’s news that rail strikes could impact through to 9th Jan so let’s review nearer and work around.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
We could visit the fake '10, Downing Street'.  Its just off the Strand at 10, Adam Street.  It's not a perfect match (window is curved) , but would be fun for some poses!

This gives you the general idea:

There is another property nearby which has 'better windows' which can be photoshopped with the door. Details are here:

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London


Something like this :)
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

Chris Sawyer
Peter, I had to do a double-take.  I thought it was Jeremy Hunt knocking to be let in.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

Ha ha
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

I've been planning and researching.

Meet 11:00 AM on the Concourse at Charing Cross Station, Friday 30th December.

How about this walk from Charing Cross to St Pauls, with a diversion to 10 Adam street en-route?

Distance is around 3KM/1.86 miles.

We do pass London Camera Exchange on the Strand, we won't stop! :)
I borrowed a few ideas from here:

Open to suggestions and ideas as always. There are eating options towards St Pauls.

Who is interested?