Two important photo event opportunities this Sunday 20th Sept

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Two important photo event opportunities this Sunday 20th Sept

1/ Cyclemania in Orpington High Street, with road closed from 11am to late afternoon there will numerous cycle related exhibits and races.

- BMX stunt riders and workshops
- Use your pedal power and make a smoothie on a Fender Blender
- Book free cycling lessons
- 15% off with My Loyalty card in Cycles UK - one day only
- Meet the Bromley Cyclists
- Lots of Free giveaways
- Get free safety checks and info on cycling in the Borough.
- Let your kids have fun at our toddler bike and kart-racing track.

2/ St Christophers third hospice fundraising car show featuring over 400 classic, interesting and modified vehicles, plus arena shows, kids activities, stalls, bar, BBQ and entertainment for all ages. More than 3,000 visitors soaked up the sunny atmosphere at St Christophers second ever dedicated Classic Car Show on 21 September 2014, at Tripes Farm in Orpington.
Location: Tripes Farm, Orpington

Spoilt for choice......
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Re: Two important photo event opportunities this Sunday 20th Sept

Not forgetting Open House London on Saturday and Sunday, which is where I shall be. An opportunity to go into buildings not normally accessible.