Virtual Exhibition Galleries

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Virtual Exhibition Galleries

Chris Sawyer
I came across an article about virtual galleries in the PAGB e-news magazine.  I checked out a couple of the galleries which had some interesting images.  I must admit I felt a bit woozy moving around the 3D space!

Here's a snippet from the article...

"If you are looking to waste half an hour virtually walking around a 3D gallery, or if you want to host an
exhibition of your own with up to 100 images in a pre-defined or custom built gallery, you can do so, free, by visiting and clicking on the ‘Request Gallery Space’ icon.

There are already more than 20 galleries available to view, from top clubs and photographers, in both glorious 2D and in the more exciting third dimension. We also have ‘virtually’ unlimited space to hang lots more new exhibitions. Adrian Lines MPAGB FBPE EFIAP ARPS"