Let me introduce you to iOPS.
After a suggestion from Peter and examples of friends using Zoom to hold meetings (even doing live judging) we are going to try a virtual meeting.
Zoom is an online app that works on phones, tablets and PCs. The committee tried it last weekend and we felt it was a useful way of meeting up without the contact.
Here is the website to get more details and to sign up:
https://zoom.us/There is an app for your mobiles, just look for Zoom.
Have a look at their many tutorials on their website/YouTube.
Get set up with the basic system and try it out. It can be used for your family not just our meetings. One to one meetings have no time limit whilst groups of up to 100 are restricted to 40 mins. This doesn't stop more meetings being started after the 40 mins.
We plan to hold our first official iOPS meeting on Tuesday 31st March 2020 at 8pm. This is when we would normally meet. There will be no format for the meeting except help to understand some of the functions in a live situation. It would be good if as many as possible could join in but even if we start small it is a start.
Please add your name below once you have registered with Zoom.Here is an invite to the meeting, a link you will need at the time plus password:
Alan Graham is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: iOPS 31st March 2020
Time: Mar 31, 2020 20:00 London
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/928760611?pwd=WFQ4NDRkQ3ZJVjh0QiswbGpQZkxJZz09Meeting ID: 928 760 611
Password: 061326
I will try to answer any questions but most can be answered by looking at their tutorial videos, that is something I will be doing a few times before we hold the meeting.
See you there and in the meantime stay safe!
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