Hi All,
I'll be updating and refreshing the images and galleries of our website in the coming days/weeks.
I need input for two areas please:
1) The Summer Exhibition: For those of you that have put prints in, please can you send me a digital version of the prints so that we can display them on the Exhibition Gallery of the website.
2) Members Gallery: If you want to have a page showcasing your work, I'm more than happy to set this up for you on our website. Here is an example
Click Here (Barrie's page on our website)
All I will need is for you to email me 9-20 images that you would like to show. It doesn't matter if they are competition photos or not. It's entirely up to you.
If you want I can also link to your personal website, Flickr, 500PX, G+ etc. Just send me a link to where ever you want and I can insert this on your page. Once again, see Barrie's example.
If you already have a page and would like to refresh your images with new ones, please send them to me.
As ever, the email address id orpingtonps@gmail.com
Resolution 1400X1050 is fine.