What if you needed to start again...

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What if you needed to start again...

Alan Graham
What if you lost your workflow programmes on your PC, including the codes etc and needed to buy them all again, which would you have to have? Are there any that you hardly use now?

It seems Lightroom is a must but which others are?

Is Photoshop being out done by others or only for small parts here and there? Serge Ramelli says he is moving away from PS and working more in Lightroom.

This will help me develop over the next few months what I might need to get and look at. I currently only work within Lightroom 5 and OnOne's Perfect Photo Suite 9.

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Re: What if you needed to start again...

Brian K
Hi Alan,

I'm using the same 2 packages. However, I'm finding LR5 does almost everything I need it to and use it about 90% of the time. I think if I really got into B&W I would go with Nik Silver Efex over OnOne's PPS9.
For me, though, this is enough to learn and try and be good at.

I hope you find the answers you're looking for.
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Re: What if you needed to start again...

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
If I had to do it all over again knowing what I do now I'd have Light room, Nik silver Effect and Photoshop elements.  Color effects wold be next on the list.  I wouldn't need much more than that.  Lightroom 95% of time.  

I've tried most other software.  Topaz, onone photo suite, HDR effects, Vivesa, focal point etc and I never use them.  Find I still go back to light room. Use PS for cloning and layers. Silver effects for mono. And sometimes colour effects for colour. That's it.
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Re: What if you needed to start again...

David Barnes
I am now a Lightroom convert with Nik suite added and Photoshop CC which is a voyage of discovery with almost every use.
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Re: What if you needed to start again...

Alan Graham
Thanks to those who gave some trade secrets.

I may have to go down the CC route. I've been told I can download a new free trial on my iMac.

Having moved to an iMac I have lost the use of ICE to stitch photos together. Any other options for a Mac?
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Re: What if you needed to start again...

Orpington Photo Society
Photoshop will do stitching if you're going down the CC route

On Monday, December 22, 2014, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks to those who gave some trade secrets.

I may have to go down the CC route. I've been told I can download a new free trial on my iMac.

Having moved to an iMac I have lost the use of ICE to stitch photos together. Any other options for a Mac?
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