What's happened to NIK software support since Google gave up on the Plugin

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What's happened to NIK software support since Google gave up on the Plugin

Having been a keen supporter of this plugin since launch, i was disappointed to find that Google had decided not to give future support.

Therefore when i installed new OS onto my Mac the access was lost.

The good news after trawling the web (perhaps many of you already know this) that DXO have now purchased the rights and will give full support as from next year.

In the meantime you can download the most recent version from via link


And its still free of charge but how long ?

I have now reinstalled onto my PS and seems to be fine although a slower but its always has worked in LR

Best of luck
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Re: What's happened to NIK software support since Google gave up on the Plugin

OPS Notices
Thanks for the update Barrie.
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Re: What's happened to NIK software support since Google gave up on the Plugin

Richard W
DxO have already embedded some of the Nik tools into their latest release called DxO Photo Lab. Be aware that it is rumoured that next year Nik as we know it will NOT be available to download as it is now so I suggest you download and store it now in case you need it again later.
DxO Photo Lab uses similar things such as control points etc to provide local adjustment as opposed to global.

cheers aye!