Xmas Portraits PDI Competition

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Xmas Portraits PDI Competition

Alan Graham
Xmas Portraits PDI Competition 19th January 2016

Just a reminder we have the first of the new style PDI competitions on our third meeting back after Christmas.

This is a stand alone cup winning competition being judged by Monica Weller FRPS. The cup will be presented on the night before being engraved and re-presented at the end of year awards ceremony.

It is a challenging subject but that's the nature of a winner takes all competition. Please take part, we need a good selection of images for the judge to go through.

Please send your 3 PDIs to orpingtonps@gmail.com with the Subject title: Xmas Portraits PDI.

Normal sizing and naming conventions apply.

'Portraits', for this purpose, does not mean just one person 'sitting' but can include a number of people who are the main subject of the image. A seasonal portrait of a pet would also be acceptable.

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