colour profile

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colour profile

I had to change my PDI  entries to sRGB this week. never noticed before if they were RGB or sRGB and becoming obsessive, as it seems  all my images have always varied. Did I hear someone at the meeting mentioning about entries will be sRGB now. or has it always been the same?

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Re: colour profile

Chris Sawyer
Hi Fay,

It's always been sRGB.  I'm not sure what happens when you use RGB, but it does not seem to have caused anything unusual when projecting your images.
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Re: colour profile

In reply to this post by Fay
I always understood that for PDIs it is sRGB and for prints its RGB
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Re: colour profile

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
PCs, monitors use standard Red Green Blue (srgb) for their displays. This is 8 bits per pixel and allows 16.7 million colours.
Adobe RGB and HDR displays can use 10 bits per pixel, giving 1 billion possible colours. If the display does not support it or the software, colour information is lost and the age may look incorrect.

The use of sRGB has been in the rules for years.
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Re: colour profile

In reply to this post by David28
Interesting. I was told that you have to use the ICC profiles for the printing paper you are using as this affects the tone & colour of the elements of an image. For example if I am using my favourite Fujiflex High Gloss I use a different ICC to what I use when I use Kodak's old Endura glossy [the newer version is inferior IMO] or Ilford's / Hahnemüele Baryta papers.
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Re: colour profile

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Steve.  I had not heard of ICC Profiles before your post.  It's not something I am going to tinker with as my prints are produced by DS Colour Labs.  Their prints look accurate compared with my monitor so I don't feel there is any need to adjust my monitor.