Our 2nd virtual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7th April 2020 at 8pm. This should have been our Mono Print of the Year evening.
Alan Graham is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: iOPS 1.2 - Tuesday 7th April 2020
Time: Apr 7, 2020 20:00 London
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/527048155?pwd=RThzV09iRjdPQ0xJTjZnaE9LZk5Ydz09Meeting ID: 527 048 155
Password: 072598
To keep on the theme of mono images the following has been arranged:
Mono CritiqueI have asked 2 members to supply 1 mono image each that have never been shown at the OPS before. These images are below. The follow then applies:
It is not a guessing game as to who took the image.
2. Please do not make any comments on the thread about them.
3. Do form an opinion about the images and prepare a very short critique of them.
4. Any questions as to how they were taken? List them for the meeting.
During the meeting I will ask 2 members at random if they are willing to give their critique. Time is limited so these need to be brief. Afterwards the authors will be revealed and explain where, when and why they took the shot. Time allowing questions on technique etc can follow.
Afterwards, those who wish to give their thoughts or ask questions can do so on this thread.
See you all next week.

Image 1 - Glass Maker

Image 2 - Thorn
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