sandisk sdhc extreme 32gb from Tecso

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sandisk sdhc extreme 32gb from Tecso

Malcolm Ming

Pretty good price.  Cheapest I could find it was Amazon for £16 and change.  Other retailers a bit more expensive.

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Re: sandisk sdhc extreme 32gb from Tecso

Malcolm Ming
£59 from Jessops. What a rip off.  
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Re: sandisk sdhc extreme 32gb from Tecso

In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
I paid a lot more but the write speed was much higher which you need for modern DSLR cameras.
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Re: sandisk sdhc extreme 32gb from Tecso

Malcolm Ming
Yep, you're right Peter, faster cards are worth it, but for me, who shoots one shot at a time and rarely goes into motor drive on a small mirror less, these 60mb/s cards are good enough.  Crazy though how tesco can sell the exact same card at £13 where Jessops are selling it at £59
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Re: sandisk sdhc extreme 32gb from Tecso

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
Thanks - I bought one of the 32Gb SanDisk memory cards from Tesco for £13.  Now I've got to work out what I need it for!