2014 Exhibition

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2014 Exhibition

David Barnes
Your Committee met last evening and was unanimous in deciding to cancel the exhibition at Coolings. This decision was taken on the basis of the number of willing volunteers and the limited time available to erect the stands and prints.

We will, as last year, exhibit images on-line. If you wish to have your prints and slides shown please send PDIs to orpingtonps@gmail.com. If you do not wish your exhibition PDIs to be included please e-mail the same address.
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Re: 2014 Exhibition

Thank you for letting us know.
I am very disappointed to hear the news but as I was unable to offer help this year, there is little I can say, but do hope we will be able to have one next year as it is a very important way locally to have our name in the public domain.
With regards to sending images, would it be possible for a list of prints to be made available as I, for one, did not make a note of them before handing in.
What is going to happen about the entry fees as these were to cover costs including van rental?
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Re: 2014 Exhibition

David Barnes
I am hoping that we will have a solution to the Exhibition issue by next year. We are considering alternative arrangements. I am also going to ask for someone to take on all aspects of organising the Exhibition so that we have more focus and do not have a number of people doing different bits.
Chris Nash should be able to provide copies of his internal competition sheets for print names.
Committee discussed the entry fee last week. We have already incurred cost in ferrying prints and slides to the judge. We do not yet know if we will be charged a cancellation fee for the room. Incidentally, there were so few entries that the cost of transport would not have been covered and we could not get the use of a company van. It is most likely that we will give a discount off next season's membership fee rather than write a book-full of cheques. The amount of the discount will be decided when we know how much money we have left over from entry fee.
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Re: 2014 Exhibition

David Barnes
Below are the titles of all prints entered in the exhibition.

John Abrook FRPS A quiet corner
John Abrook FRPS Crocs
John Abrook FRPS Decorated
John Abrook FRPS Lavender field
John Abrook FRPS Travelling
John Abrook FRPS Volcanic
David Barnes LRPS Chatting by the chapattis
David Barnes LRPS De La Warr Pavilion
David Barnes LRPS Marilyn
David Barnes LRPS Secretary bird gathering nesting material, Samburu Wildlife Reserve, Kenya
David Barnes LRPS Stalker Castle
David Barnes LRPS The Lunchtime Thinker
Avril Blamey Abernethy forest
Avril Blamey High horse
Avril Blamey Please be seated
Avril Blamey Reflected forest
Avril Blamey The intrepid explorer
Avril Blamey Water lily
Mike Dancer Another Place by Anthony Gormley
Mike Dancer At prayer - Temple Mount - Jerusalem
Mike Dancer Bread seller - Jerusalem
Mike Dancer Greenwich Village - New York
Mike Dancer One World Trade Centre - New York
Mike Dancer Sweet pea
Barrie Duffield I am Michael!
Barrie Duffield Lake Akureyri
Barrie Duffield Pillars of Queensbridge
Barrie Duffield Plitvic lakes
Barrie Duffield Shard entrance
Barrie Duffield Wait for me
Tracey Elvidge Bluebell Wood
Tracey Elvidge Macrovision
Tracey Elvidge Pebbles on the Boardwalk
Tracey Elvidge Picket Fence
Tracey Elvidge Strolling
Tracey Elvidge Water Huts, Olhuvelhi
Tony Gilkes 21st century Valencia
Tony Gilkes Lost in transit
Tony Gilkes Metal sails - abstract
Tony Gilkes Tagged - return to sender
Tony Gilkes The Brighton Eye
Tony Gilkes Wolves - abstract
Jan Gilkes LRPS Figures in the air
Jan Gilkes LRPS Flat feet
Jan Gilkes LRPS Ghost figure
Jan Gilkes LRPS High in the sky
Jan Gilkes LRPS Impressions
Jan Gilkes LRPS Inside and out
David Grimwade LRPS Altar and screen, Radley College chapel
David Grimwade LRPS Elegant living
David Grimwade LRPS Harmony
David Grimwade LRPS Hassocks
David Grimwade LRPS Riding high
David Grimwade LRPS Water baby
John Howard APRS, DPAGB A helping hand, the River Tigris N. Iraq
John Howard APRS, DPAGB Cruising into Valletta
John Howard APRS, DPAGB Downe landscape, towards Downe Court Farm
John Howard APRS, DPAGB Downe landscape, towards Luxted
John Howard APRS, DPAGB Next stop Canary Wharf
John Howard APRS, DPAGB The Golden Dome Mosque, Baghdad
Peter Humphrey ARPS Baker Street
Peter Humphrey ARPS Isolated
Peter Humphrey ARPS Luskentyre impression
Peter Humphrey ARPS Reclining nude (toned)
Peter Humphrey ARPS Symmetry
Peter Humphrey ARPS The vanishing point
David Jackson Doors of Hell
David Jackson Heart felt thoughts
David Jackson Tower of fear
David Jackson What lies within
David Jackson Yellow warrior
Malcolm Ming Aysgarth Falls (North Yorkshire)
Malcolm Ming Daisy Chain
Malcolm Ming Droplet
Malcolm Ming Paolozzis’s Newton
Malcolm Ming Snail Tango
Malcolm Ming View of the Pier
Chris Sawyer Almost low tide
Chris Sawyer Ascending Hay Tor
Chris Sawyer Barn owl feeding in the rain
Chris Sawyer Cannon recoil restraint, Tilbury Fort
Chris Sawyer Flying the flag for Brighton Pride
Chris Sawyer Southport Pier at dusk
Ron Stubbings Feed my lambs
Ron Stubbings Hair-raising steps
Ron Stubbings HMS Victory stern
Ron Stubbings Wells Cathedral altar
Ron Stubbings White water
Ron Stubbings Wightwick Manor
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Re: 2014 Exhibition

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by David Barnes
Hi all,
 As per David's original post, please send me digital versions of your Exhibition prints to orpingtonps@gamil.com

In the coming weeks/days I'm hoping to update the website with newer images.  Normal club resolution is fine (1400 X 1050)
Any queries, please ask.
