This post was updated on .
Hi everyone,
David and myself have completed a meeting with the Orpington Village Hall today to discuss how they can assist with presenting our prints at the halls following the results of our Annual Exhibition to include a get together / social for members, families and friends plus of course the Judges (if they are available) It's been suggested that the 10th Oct could be suitable from about 1500 to 1700. (Preparation from 1400) Before finalising dates we would be keen to obtain interest from any members outside of the committee who view this forum plus their approval to display prints from the Exhibition at the Halls. Further details will be announced later which may include something extra for the Sunday morning - 11th Oct. at the Halls promoting OPS to the public. |
Second meeting booked with Orpington 1st on Monday 10th August with myself and DB, our aim being to conclude arrangements for VIP to attend our Exhibition Launch get together on Saturday 10th Oct. To display our Exhibition images with Judge Jeff Royce
This will be for members, family and friends plus budding new members during the morning session that will includes drinks and nibbles. Following this and subject to interest and publicity we are hoping to have an open to new members day with further details to follow, both above at the Orpington Village Hall on the 10th Oct. Please make sure all members put this date into your diary to attend and help to promote the club to new members, friends and family |
Meeting with OVH concluded and following agreed for launch of Annual Exhibition for OPS
Date - 10th Oct Venue - Orpington Village Halls Starting - 1430 Finish - 1700 VIPs - Mayoress of Bromley, Competition judge Jeff Royce and hopefully Jo Johnson MP Guests - ALL MEMBERS OF OPS, family and friends plus anyone who's keen on photography that maybe potential new members, Public entrants to the below Orpington Calendar competition Food and Drinks - still to be agreed but available depending upon sponsor Being Displayed will be 35-40 OPS images that our judge has commented upon plus the balance of prints will be located on walls of the hall. In addition Orpington 1st (the local business development team) will display entries from the public for the forthcoming Orpington 2016 Calendar that OPS has agreed to judge and the winning entry will be announced at this event by Orpington 1st. With the support from local community groups we are hoping and expecting high level of public interest and attendance to this event. The main aim of this event will be to increase our diminishing numbers before the club reaches its 70th Anniversary in 2018 and therefore your full support will be anticipated. |
Hi Barry, What kind of drinks would you like to have sponsored? I can provide a wide variety of juices, fizzy drinks (cola, lemonades, etc), iced teas, and of course, energy drinks for any daring souls. On Sat, 5 Sep 2015 08:49 Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote: Meeting with OVH concluded and following agreed for launch of Annual Exhibition for OPS |
Many thanks Brian for your IRN BRU sponsor and we can discuss flavours with others during 10th Sept night.
Further notes regarding the Exhibition Launch Event on 10th Oct.
As our judge will also attend the above in addition to the first two evenings of the new season, all Trophies and awards Commendation certificates will be made on the Saturday 10th Oct instead of the above two evenings. Therefore I suggest that anyone wishing to receive the above they would best arrive on the 10th Oct. at 1430 hrs and support the club. Since adding this event to our OPS Facebook page, I have personally received several positives replies from invitations and would welcome other members to utilise Facebook to Create Event facility as a method of inviting friends and family to this event. |
The time has changed on Facebook but not on this forum. Is it now 3.30pm start?
We have moved the public access back to 1530 but members, friends, guests and VIPs will start as original time 1430 with drinks etc. Will post out to individual members as well as forum in next few days Good spot Barrie Barrie Duffield LRPS Sent from my iPad
Note - that although the start time on attached poster says 1530 start time, this is for public arrival.
Members, Friends and Guests plus VIPs will still arrive at 1430 as originally notified. PLEASE MAKE THIS EVENT WORK BY ATTENDING AND REPRESENTING YOUR PHOTO CLUB ![]() |
For those members who were unable to attend this event we will hope to be loading further images to show what was missed
I reckon over fifty attendees including members, family and guests during the launch from 1430 by the Mayor of Bromley and our judge Jeff Royce. Several guests indicated they may join the club and we are looking forward to seeing who arrives over the next few weeks. In addition to the OPS Exhibition, Orpington 1st group announced the winning photograph for the forthcoming 2016 Calendar that our Selection Committee recommended with a prize of £100.00 from Orpington 1st plus we hope to meet the Winner at our first Colour Print Competition evening on 3rd Nov. Below are two photos before the Event was opened and one at the end ![]() Jeff Royce our Exhibition Judge for Colour and Mono Prints ![]() David Barnes doing his bit.... ![]() David Jackson keeping an eye on guests and mobile |
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