2018/19 Program preparation

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2018/19 Program preparation

As mentioned at recent evenings, i am looking to start investigating the 2018/19 program for OPS and would appreciate the your input as to what you would like to see within the member evenings and challenges

I have drafted several samples which you can reply on Forum or offer alternatives (no committee members please) these evenings maybe externally judged depending upon funds available

1) White Water (e.g. catching action shots along coast or inland )
2) Night photography (e.g. in Town or Country -  Stars/Moon or use of artificial lighting)
3) BPS competition (preparation for entering club into BPS comps/salons with high impact photos
4) IPhoneography (other phones can be used) - possibly to include in phone photo management APP's
5) Still life using natural or artificial lighting - e.g. why not try to represent a well known Dutch Masters representation of Still Life within a photo
5) Lost and found / Old & New / Suburbia
6) Minimalistic / Textures / Abstracts
7) Composition excercise - e.g. use of Triangles, Leading Lines, On the Third plus DOF to compose your photos
8) Dance, Movement and Panning

If we receive minimal replies then Committee input maybe needed.