Colour and Mono Print of the Year 2017

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Colour and Mono Print of the Year 2017


Members are invited to submit the following entries into the Colour Print of the Year and the Mono Print of the Year Competitions:

Automatic Entry
All Prints that have been awarded a 20+ or a 20 in the 3 rounds of the current OPS season.

In addition
Each member can submit their 2 highest scoring prints of the current OPS season.
If you have more than one print with the same highest score you can choose which one to submit into the Print of the Year Competition.
A list of all the scores for current OPS season will be published on the OPS Website shortly after the third round of the competition.

The Colour Print Entries will be collected at the meeting on the 21st March and the Mono Print Entries will be collected at the meeting on the 28th March or earlier if available.
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Re: Colour and Mono Print of the Year 2017

Alan Graham
I have sent out emails to all eligible members who need to resubmit images for the Colour Print Final being held on 4th April.

I'll collect them at any meeting until 21st March.
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Re: Colour and Mono Print of the Year 2017

Alan Graham
Can I remind all members to think about bringing in all the prints that has been requested by email. I will bring in a box to collect not only the Colour Prints but also the Mono Prints that scored 20 & 20+ during the first two rounds. We will also retain those that score well tomorrow night if they turn out to be your best scores.
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Re: Colour and Mono Print of the Year 2017

Alan Graham
Colour Print of the Year.

Tonight there are 41 prints being considered for Colour Print of the Year. Afterwards the following will happen to them:

1) The selection committee will review the images and select 8 to represent OPS in next years SLF competition.

2) If your images are not selected please let me know if you are entering them into the Annual Exhibition in which case we will keep them.

3) If you are not selected for the SLF or need them for the Annual Exhibition please consider leaving them to be displayed as part of the Orpington Village Hall Gallery.

4) If you do not want them to be selected for the SLF, Exhibition or Gallery place feel free to take them home.

Whatever you decide to do please make sure I have marked my sheet with your option. Many thanks.

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