2023 Spring/summer outings

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2023 Spring/summer outings

Ian Stedman

Attached is the list of dates for outings over the 2023 spring/summer season. You can email it to mailto:theopsweb@gmail.com or print it and hand it to me at either of the two remaining meetings.

The only change is that the London River walk has moved from the 6th/7th May to 21st/22nd May due to the Kings Coronation.Orpington_Photographic_Society_outings_preferences_2023.docx
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

David Barnes
I think the Word doc is protected and uneditable.
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

Ian Stedman

You probably need to make it a trusted document. Normally you have to File->Info or click the popup on the main ribbon of the programme.
I don't mind paper copies.

If I can get all forms by the AGM, I can plan out the final events.
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

I've had responses from the following:
Jan Gilkes,
Fay Saunders,
David Bacon,
Chris Sawyer,
June Williams,
Mike Dennett.

If anyone else has a form to return, can they please hand it to me at the AGM on Tuesday.
The first outing will be toward the end of May and at most two in a month.
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

Ian Stedman

Just a more general update on plans for summer/autumn outings.

The first outings will be in June, I need to finish some decorating, then I can spend time out taking photos. I had planned to try the Leamouth to Stratford walk, to finesse the route and to visit places of interest in nearby Limehouse. Until I've done this, that one will be on hold.

The first outing will be the Canary Wharf to Island Gardens on 10th/11th June. Keeping an eye on strike dates for this one. The next one, likely the walk around St James, early July.

For the WWT Wetland centre, I will let the bird watchers agree date or dates, if they want to visit in a group. Bird photography is not my area of expertise (when I find what it is I'll let you know). This was one of the most popular outings with 9 votes.

Two outings I proposed to gauge interest were:
Orford Ness and Beyond had 8 votes
Margate old town/thanet beaches had 9 votes.

I'll create individual topics for these shortly, with some more information on possible dates. I normally try and keep the peak holiday season (end of July and August) free.

The Thames Barrier trip has changed to Tower Bridge at Sunset on Friday 1st September. Thank you to Barrie for helping to arrange.

At the AGM, two additional ideas were suggested.

1) Street Art tour/walk. A return to Brick Lane/Whitechapel area, in better weather. I can find a few places off the beaten track here and at weekends, is good for street portraiture. I also recommend Leake Street  though not if asthmatic as the smell of the paint is irritating.

2) Ronald Ruggins, one of our new members, mentioned he can provide access to thames water sites in the London area. There are some interesting, rarely seen steam engines and victorian ironworks within the system. If you've been to Crossness, you'll get an idea.

Any interest in these two potential outings?

If you see something of interest, use this forum or the Whatsapp group to share.

Time for some tea.
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

David Barnes
I'm interested in Thames Water sites, but not in June.
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

Thanks Ian for your ideas and afraid I have not returned the form as requested, had troubles on downloading.

But in summary I am up for overnight outings (prefer either Autumn or early Spring ) plus the other sites like Thames Water.

Also visited Orford several times including few games of golf and even further nort up the coast you have many wildlife locations around Wash with seal pups early March to April (which some of us could be interested)

NB Felixstowe - onroute would be worth a stop.
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by David Barnes
Hi Ian,

Thanks for sorting out these outings.  I am currently interested in all of the outings and have a couple in my diary already.  I am also interested in any Thames Water sites that Ron can access for us.
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

Ron R
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi my name is Ron Ruggins and I have recently joined the society l am interested in Digital film and 3d photography. I work for Thames Water and one of our Water Treatment sites.( Kempton Park) has Three Steam engines that are the same specification as were used on HMS Titanic, in fact they were used  in the 1958 film A Night to Remember with Kenneth Moore a dramatisation of the last hours of the Titanic I Think this would make a good outing for the society what do others think? Anyway I look forward to seeing you at some of the Outings

                            Ron Ruggins
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Re: 2023 Spring/summer outings

Chris Sawyer
Hi Ron,

Sounds good to me.  I am always interested in the story of the Titanic.

Did you see the Titanic 3d scan on breakfast tv this morning?  They took 700,000 images in 200 hours to create the 3d effect.