A couple of events coming up that I've culled from 'I'

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A couple of events coming up that I've culled from 'I'

Paul Brett
Covent Garden May Fayre Puppet Festival.  13 May,  12-5.30pm

Held to coincide with Mr Punchs 357-birthday.  The day will start with a Grand Procession at 11am before a variety of pupetry, music and dance performances in the Garden of St.Pauls Church.



London Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival at Royal Docks Adventure Centre in Docklands.  30 June.
Deagon boat races, food, martial arts demos, theatrical performances and live music.

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Re: A couple of events coming up that I've culled from 'I'

Cheers Paul,

I maybe around for the Dragon Boat Festival but could this date clash with Penshurst Run or Dry
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Re: A couple of events coming up that I've culled from 'I'

Paul Brett
Yes, It'll be 'either or'.
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Re: A couple of events coming up that I've culled from 'I'

Richard W

For those thinking of going to the Dragon Boat thingy you might want to think again. I went a few yrs ago and it was a waste of time and effort. The boats etc are organised by English people with mostly English taking part. The teams are from businesses and/or on the day entrants. The heads of the boats are painted dragons and that's about it really.

It may have changed but..................
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Re: A couple of events coming up that I've culled from 'I'

thanks Richard, i did hear rumours about this being a non event.

As an update on the Covent Garden Punch & Judy, I went the other year and found it too busy as everyone crammed at the rear of Church grounds near Covent Garden.

Far too many visitors plus it was very hot day but worth visit with slim chance of any photos - theirs a challenge for someone >>>>