A question of ethics

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A question of ethics

David Barnes
I took some photos of the recent "Day of Rage" march in London which came about as a result of the Grenfell Tower fire.
My photos need some context. Should I now take photos of the burnt out tower and associated area?
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Re: A question of ethics

Richard W
I see no reason why not. After all, there are already a million  images from associated press and tv companies. It is an event that you are recording, not the grief of those that perished.
Go for it !!
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Re: A question of ethics

Alan Graham
I understand your concern. 

To be honest the day of rage was hijacked and few involved with the fire approved. You could even say they were not really linked. I have also heard complaints from those living next to the flats about photo tourists. These mention mainly selfie junkies though. 

Personally I wouldn't as I've seen first hand the grim results of such fires but as a member of the RPS Documentary Group I would in the context of a project.

On 28 Jun 2017 10:09, "Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
I see no reason why not. After all, there are already a million  images from associated press and tv companies. It is an event that you are recording, not the grief of those that perished.
Go for it !!

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Re: A question of ethics

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Richard W
I think the press need to be there to bring out what has happened. A rank amateur being there to extend his meagre portfolio brings no benefit to those affected.
I think RPS Documentary Group workshops may touch on ethics in the future.