Announcing KCPA Print & PDI Exhibition

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Announcing KCPA Print & PDI Exhibition

David Barnes
Dear Club members.

I am delighted to bring you information regarding this year’s KCPA PRINT & PDI Exhibition.

It is hoped that you will join in, and help make the KCPA Exhibition 2018 an exhibition to remember,

with a record number of images being entered.


Even if you have not joined in the exhibition before why not make this the year that you do?

The Exhibition is open for entries from 1st February – 8th March 2018.


You will be able to find all the information you need (Including the entry form, label template, how

to submit your images, the drop off points and how to pay). Here


Past exhibition entrants will see that we have made some changes -

Previously members were able to enter a maximum of 15 images in both the PDI & Print sections,

this has been increased to 30 images in both.

Previously members were able to enter a maximum of 6 images in each category, this year we have

removed this maximum and so members can add up to the maximum of 30 images in each category,

(30 for prints, 30 for pdi’s).

We have listened to members feedback, and reduced and simplified the cost of entering so you pay

only £1 per image entered, we have also added a new Creative category.


The exhibition will start at Creek Creative, Faversham, Kent and then go onto The Crypt Gallery, Seaford,



Imagine being able to see 1 or more of your own images on display at the exhibition, or being invited

to come along to the presentation evening on Saturday 28th April at Creek Creative to receive a Merit

Award, a PAGB Ribbon or Medal! Enter the exhibition and it could become a reality!


The instructions to enter are clear and user friendly. However If you have any questions please feel free to

contact myself via email or telephone 07966298607 or 01634 303540.


The KCPA would like to wish everyone that enters the very best of luck with their images.


Kind Regards


Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS

KCPA Senior Vice President & Exhibition Coordinator.