SLF Mono and Colour Prints semi-finals

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SLF Mono and Colour Prints semi-finals

David Barnes
We competed last evening against South London in the mono prints and West Wickham in the colour prints.

Total scores:
Mono prints - Orpington 69, South London 68 so we progress to the final on 21 April. Congratulations to Peter Humphrey on being awarded a certificate.

Colour prints - Orpington 68.5, West Wickham 70 so that's close of play for us this season. More congratulations to Peter Humphrey on being awarded another certificate.

Score sheets will be posted when they are made available.
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Re: SLF Mono and Colour Prints semi-finals

Chris Sawyer
Great to hear of our success in the monos and congratulations to Peter on his certs.  Looks like finals day will be interesting.
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Re: SLF Mono and Colour Prints semi-finals

In reply to this post by David Barnes
Looking forward to the Finals Day, a rare event and congrats to all those who got us there plus of course Peter with his two certs.

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Re: SLF Mono and Colour Prints semi-finals

David Barnes
In reply to this post by David Barnes