Art Deco control room at Battersea Power Station

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Art Deco control room at Battersea Power Station

Hi all,

On tonight’s London News it was announced that the above area will be open to the public as an event area sometime this Autumn along with the new shopping complex.

Perhaps an OPS outing could be arranged if we can keep watch out for opening dates.
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Re: Art Deco control room at Battersea Power Station

Chris Sawyer
That looks interesting Barrie.  I thought they would rip out all the workings of the power station and just make a load of flats nobody can afford.  I checked out the website:

I particularly like cabinet 2 from the left: "EXCITERS - DIRECT COUPLED & STANDBY"
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Re: Art Deco control room at Battersea Power Station

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza

Seems like a good idea, I'll add it to the list of potential (no engineering pun intended) outings for Autumn/Winter/Spring. The redevelopment of the area could provide some interesting opportunities. There were places to eat and drink around there, for a price though.

I looked at the photo and thought, that looks good, then when I looked further, I thought the highlights on the lights were blown out!