I just read the following article ( originally suspected April 1st scam ) but maybe some truth.
Any thoughts would be welcome, the info comes from Bruce Percy ( highly talented and renowned photographer based in Edinburgh )
Goodbye pixels, hello light-atoms
News as of 1st of April: There is an emerging technology with us now, which is going to eradicate pixels from our lives all together. It is called the 'light-atom', and what this means for us, is that future image sensors will record at atomic level what they see.
Everything around is is made from atoms. I can already see the following benefits from such a technology:
1. Exposure becomes a thing of the past
Sensors will record at atomic level. An atom to record an atom. Exposure becomes a thing of the past.
2. Focussing is a thing of the past
Similarly for focussing. We are no longer recording 'light', but instead, we are capturing atoms at their native resolution. Focussing becomes redundant.
3. Resolution becomes a thing of the past
Because an atomic-cell sensor is able to mirror reality at a scale of 1:1, by definition, we have absolute resolution. The only downside to this is that the current LCD monitor technology that we use to view and edit our photographs won't be able to show us this resolution unless we zoom into 100%. Apparently zooming down to the atomic level would take forever, because for each zoom press we do in Photoshop or Lightroom, we only move 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 to the power of infinity into the picture. In order to get to 100%, would take around 75 years of continuous button clicks!
I'm certainly looking forward to images that I can stand with my nose touching them and I still can't see any loss of resolution! I am also looking forward to not even having to compose my pictures any more either, because if I have infinite resolution, I can crop to taste later on.
Signing off
As always, wishing you the very best light and photographic endeavours, wherever you may be, and whatever season you may be in :-)
With warmest of wishes,