Photoshop Virtual Summit: 2-6 May 2022

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Photoshop Virtual Summit: 2-6 May 2022

Chris Sawyer
You can get a free pass to this virtual Photoshop training event:

From: Dave Cross, Founder of PS Virtual Summit

This is a one-time email about an upcoming Photoshop educational event called the Photoshop Virtual Summit 4.

In the last 2 years I have organized online training events called Virtual Summits that bring together 20 world-class instructors to teach for 5 days. The next event, the Photoshop Virtual Summit 4, will be on May 2 - 6, 2022. VIP Passes are sold that provide lifetime access to watch the class recordings along with class notes and other bonuses.

There is also a free pass available for the event.

You can get more details about the event here:
