BBC Photography Club Annual Exhibition 2016

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BBC Photography Club Annual Exhibition 2016

Alan Graham

Unfortunately I can't make this but may interest others. This is a free event.

Annual Exhibition
Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd May 2016

5th Base Gallery
​23 Heneage Street
London E1 5LJ

(Just off Brick Lane)
Now in its ninth year, the exhibition gives members of the club the opportunity to showcase the very best of their photographic work from the previous year to the public in a gallery in the capital. This free event is the highlight of the year for the club and demonstrates the diverse range of members' talents and creativity.
The exhibition features something for everyone.
Whether you like landscapes, portraits, travel or street photography. Photographers are comprised of current BBC staff or alumni of a variety of ages, abilities and styles but with a mutual passion for all things photographic.
Selected photographs are for sale.
20th - 22nd May 2016
Friday 20th: 1-5pm
Saturday 21st: 12-6pm
Sunday 22nd: 10-4pm
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