"I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

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"I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Alan Graham
I am organising a day trip into London for the OPS members on Monday 18th April 2016.

This is a walkabout tour between two points either in one or two groups as teams, dependant on numbers. The aim will be for more experienced street photographers to help other members on what to look out for.

We will make our way by train (time TBA) to Charring Cross. Each member will be given a small list of images they must try and take during the walk. Each will be given different tasks. These tasks will be in addition to anything else you fancy snapping. A route will be suggested but if two groups are needed each will be given different points to go via on their way the coffee stop meeting point.

I will expect to see on camera these 'I Spy' snaps at a coffee/lunch stop. We will arrange a full viewing at a Discussion Group meeting on a later date.

Full details are being hatched at the moment but if you can make the day please add your name below.

Click.... Blank....
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Richard W
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Chris Sawyer
Me an'all!
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
If you have the list of images please send. I will try to do the same while I'm on holiday!
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Richard W
Not many brollies n bowlers in Cuba!!
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by David Barnes
David: I'm working on a list at the moment. When do you go? I'll get your list to you before then.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

i'am on the list waiting to get in !
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
I am interested in this trip.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
I'm in if we can fit it in with the school run.
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Re: "I Spy in London" Mon 18th April 2016

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
I'm in if we can fit it in with the school run. ie.e can leave Orpington ay time aafter 9am, but need to be back in Orpington by 4pm.