My contact number is 07952943248 if needed.
Trains to Canon Street disrupted but to Charing Cross are running well.
Fay, you can take Northern line back to Waterloo and walk along Southbank or swap to jubilee and go to Westminster for London Eye.
Will go with the flow/temperature in what time we finish.
Got in about 15 mins ago. had to go to Mottingham as Petts wood cancelled........ my train was lumbering on a bit due to congestion! I thought I should get on any train going my way. John picked me up at Motingham. got some pictures of London Eye, lost my lens hood in the Thames. Hope you all enjoyed yourself and Liam got home ok
Hope you all got home Ok before the snow hit.
Fay, hope you got some good photos of the London eye, I guess we'll see them in the next competition?
Whilst it was cold, it was enjoyable today, the outside more interesting than the inside, just going through my photos now with a drink to hand. Will post some details about the twix and tween visit to London in the next few days.