Winter outings, please vote

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Winter outings, please vote

Ian Stedman

I'm trying to get something together for the Autumn/Winter club outings. Obviously the rail strikes have curtailed out outings over the summer so will try something different.

I'm thinking of going on a Sunday into London, it is less affected by the strikes, we could start a bit later, around 11am, allowing for less frequent trains into London. Below are a few suggestions, have a read and then vote for all those you are interested in the voting option below. This will help with planning.

I haven't specified any dates yet, see what is popular first but I'm considering October to February time frame.

Option #1 Night time photography
Picking the right location. A suggestion from Barrie was to find somewhere with people sitting outside for some good street photography.
My suggestion is the West End on a sunday night, it gets quieter and you can view buildings/sights in comfort.
Please suggest any others.

Option #2 Battersea Powerstation
The new bar in Control room B opens 14th October. The Lift 109 experience (going up one of the Chimneys) opens soon, prices TBD. The area has also changed dramatically so may be worth a visit in it's own right. Plenty of eating options, though a bit pricy.

Option #3 Highgate cemetery
Really we want a misty, dull day for more atmosphere.
There is a £4.50 admission fee and it's best to book tickets in advance.

Option #4 Crossrail day out
Get your anoraks ready, save on the heating for one day!
We would all meet at one station on the line I'm thinking either Canary Wharf or Bond Street, take some photos of each station and move on. Would obviously surface for refreshments.

Option #5 Twix and Tween to London
Similar to last year, a trip to the City of London in the Christmas to New Year break. Engineering works and strikes allowing.

Option #6 A N Other
Other suggestions are welcome.
What outings are you interested in?
You can select up to 6 options.
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Re: Winter outings, please vote

Ian Stedman
Planned Engineering works
Sunday 9th October, No trains to Charing Cross, Waterloo east or Cannon Street, no trains Sidcup line
Sat/Sun 15/16 October, no trains stop at Lewisham.
Sunday 30th October, no trains Orpington line.
Sunday 6th November, no trains on Sidcup line
Saturday 19th November, no trains past Orpington.
Sat/Sun 26/27th November, no trains on Bexleyheath line.

Will update with Christmas works when known, can only see up to 10th December at the moment.
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Re: Winter outings, please vote

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
was thinking of another one. Halankar tree arches. near ChichesterThing is the wind may have blown the leaves away
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Re: Winter outings, please vote


Autumn is the best time….
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Re: Winter outings, please vote

Halnaker could be nice in the Winter

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Re: Winter outings, please vote

When you go to Bond Street on Elizabeth Line. A place worth visiting to eat. 5 minutes away, Mercato Mayfai rin an old attractive church
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Re: Winter outings, please vote

Hi Fay,

Another church worth a visit is -

St Bartholomew the Great
020 7600 0440

It’s next to Smithfield if not already visited

PS small donation when taking photos I recall
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Re: Winter outings, please vote

June Williams
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Morning Ian  
Any news on the other club outings in December and January yet?
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Re: Winter outings, please vote

Ian Stedman
Hi June,

Have not planned the January outings yet.
Potentially two for December, Battersea power station and City of London between Xmas and New year.