Bexhill Roaring 20s. Sat 19th July

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Bexhill Roaring 20s. Sat 19th July

Alan Graham

Bexhill Roaring 20s.

Sat 19th July

A Summer Challenge opportunity.

Started this new post so members can discuss/arrange a visit down to Bexhill for thier Edwardian festival.

Website Link

1066 Country wrote
A vibrant period event on Bexhill's elegant Edwardian seafront.
The only formation wing walking team in the world - Breitling Wing Walkers
The Tiger Club air display
Terbulant air display
Over 100 vintage and classic cars
Charleston Dancers
1920s Big Band
Vintage Fun Fair
Donkey rides
HMS Nelson Royal Naval Marching Band
1920s Musical Theatre and more...!!
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Re: Bexhill Roaring 20s. Sat 19th July

Dave Jackson
this sounds like a bit of me, I think I'll have some of this.

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Re: Bexhill Roaring 20s. Sat 19th July

Alan Graham
I'm having to wait to see if I can go.

If I do I'll be taking my Morris Minor to add to the Classic Car Show. The advantage will be free parking with a front row seat for the displays...

My problem is I'm going to IWM Duxford the following Saturday to get a front row seat for their 'Spitfires, Merlins & Motors' show at a greatly reduced price.

May not get permission to do both as I'm off to Yorkshire the following weekend for another car show there...
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