Visit to Heritage Hanger, Biggin Hill to see Spitfires etc?

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Visit to Heritage Hanger, Biggin Hill to see Spitfires etc?

Is anyone interested in visiting the Heritage Hanger at Biggin Hill to see the Spitfires and other old aircraft:
TA805 Spitfire Mk9
AE977 Hurricane 1
MK912 Spitfire Mk9
TE184 Spitfire Mk16
RW382 Spitfire Mk16
FE788 Harvard II
L4H Cub 43-29854
LZ842 Spitfire MkIX
TE517 Spitfire LF MkIX

I could organise a group visit but the cost might be prohibitive.

Visit would be £30 +VAT on weekdays or if we wanted to sit in the Spitfire it would be £50 +VAT.

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Re: Visit to Heritage Hanger, Biggin Hill to see Spitfires etc?

Chris Sawyer
That's a great idea Peter.  I am happy to hang-out in the Biggin Hill Hangar and get up close with the Spitfires.  Do they supply the Biggles goggles for when we sit in the cockpit?
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Re: Visit to Heritage Hanger, Biggin Hill to see Spitfires etc?

Brian K
In reply to this post by PeterH
I'd be interested in the latter if there were at least 5 of us...